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Our association of women advocates are needed to combat the breakdown of our families.

More of our sons and daughters are being locked away everyday. We need to advocate and educate our children and adult children.



Juvenile Hall

Child Protective Services

Formerly Incarcerated Persons

Formerly incarcerated individuals face numerous challenges upon reentry into society:

  1. Abrupt Transitions: The sudden shift from prison to community life can be extremely difficult, leading to stress, recidivism, and even elevated mortality rates1.
  2. Housing: Many individuals struggle to find stable housing, which is a crucial factor for successful reintegration1. Public housing authorities can discourage people with criminal records from applying for housing, or put blanket bans on people with certain criminal convictions2.
  3. Employment: Having a criminal record can be a major barrier to employment. A study found that applicants without a record were almost twice as likely to get a job callback compared to those with a record2.
  4. Mental Health: Former inmates often face stigma, discrimination, isolation, and instability, leading to devastating outcomes like failed relationships, homelessness, substance misuse, recidivism, overdose, and suicide3.
  5. Voting Rights: In some states, people with felony convictions are not allowed to vote4.
  6. Education and Public Benefits: They have little access to education and are ineligible for public benefits, public housing, and student loans4.

These challenges highlight the importance of comprehensive reentry programs that provide support and resources to help individuals successfully reintegrate into society after incarceration1.https://www.brookings.edu/articles/formerly-incarcerated-americans/




About Confidentiality

High-profile settlements, particularly in cases involving celebrities and public figures, often attract significant media attention and public scrutiny, reflecting the ongoing societal discourse on accountability and justice.

The Me Too movement has played a pivotal role in empowering individuals to come forward with their experiences of sexual misconduct, reshaping the landscape of how such allegations are perceived and addressed.

Legal proceedings, especially those related to the Me Too movement, can be complex, with outcomes such as settlements often being confidential, which may limit the availability of court records to the public.

In the context of Cassie and Diddy, any legal disputes or settlements would likely be handled with a high degree of privacy, considering their high-profile status and the sensitive nature of such allegations.

The absence of publicly available court records does not necessarily indicate that no legal action has taken place; it may simply reflect the parties’ desire for discretion and the legal system’s capacity to protect confidentiality in certain cases.

It’s important to recognize that the legal system has mechanisms in place, such as sealed documents or closed proceedings, to maintain privacy in sensitive cases, which can sometimes leave the public without a clear understanding of the resolution.

The balance between public interest and individual privacy is a delicate one, and high-profile cases often bring this tension to the forefront, prompting discussions about transparency and the right to privacy.

Ultimately, the lack of accessible court records in certain high-profile cases serves as a reminder of the complexities inherent in the legal resolution of sensitive issues and the diverse factors that influence the visibility of such proceedings.

Whether you’re dealing with child custody or child support ,guardianship, reunification, divorce, restraining orders, or other confidential legal matters, I understand the importance of keeping your information and data private. If you have any information regarding a high profile celebrity or public person private individuals with influence you can seek help at the FBI official website for Victims assistance. The FBI is the primary federal agency responsible for investigating possible violations of federal civil rights statutes. These laws are designed to protect the civil rights of every person within the United States—citizens and non-citizens alike.

  1. Strict Confidentiality:
    • I uphold the ethical and legal duty to keep all information disclosed by clients strictly confidential.
    • This extends to any communication, documentation, or details shared by clients with me.
  2. Attorney-Client Privilege:
    • I respect the attorney-client privilege, which protects the confidentiality of communications between clients and their legal representatives.
    • This privilege encourages open and honest dialogue, allowing effective legal advice.
  3. Privacy and Trust:
    • When clients seek assistance, they entrust me with deeply personal, sensitive, and confidential information.
    • By maintaining confidentiality, I demonstrate commitment to their interests and foster an environment of trust.
  4. Professionalism and Integrity:
    • Upholding client confidentiality is intertwined with professionalism and integrity.
    • Breaching this trust can have severe consequences, damaging the attorney-client relationship and tarnishing reputations.


The court case involving Jeannie Mai and Jeezy Jenkins sheds light on the advantages and disadvantages of patriarchal marriage from a legal perspective.

Recent court filings have revealed more information about Jeannie Mai and her estranged husband, Jeezy. According to court documents obtained by The Shade Room, there is a history of domestic violence and child neglect allegedly at the hands of Jeezy. The documents describe several incidents of physical abuse against Jeannie. Here are some details:

  1. Incident at Ritz Carlton Hotel (April 14, 2022):
    • Jeezy allegedly choked Jeannie from behind as she was ascending the stairs at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in San Francisco.
    • He then pushed her down the steps and verbally assaulted her, calling her derogatory names.
    • Hotel security intervened, and Jeannie stated that she “felt unsafe.”
  2. Incident After Daughter’s Birth (January 18, 2022):
    • Three weeks after Jeannie gave birth to her daughter Monaco, an incident occurred in Miami.
    • During a conversation inside a parked car, Jeezy verbally abused Jeannie, calling her names and threatening divorce.
    • He allegedly struck her with a closed fist across her cheekbone and eye, causing injury.
  3. Verbal Abuse at UNCF Event (December 17, 2022):
    • At the UNCF 39th annual Atlanta Mayor’s Masked Ball, Jeezy became enraged when Jeannie was away for 25 minutes.
    • He demanded they leave the party abruptly and verbally abused her in the car.
    • Jeannie tried to exit the car twice, and during the second attempt, Jeezy scratched her right breast with his fingernails.

Jeannie has reported these incidents to her therapist, pastor, and close friend. Jeezy has now requested primary custody of their 2-year-old daughter, Monaco, amid their divorce proceedings12345. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, please seek help by calling 1-800-799-7233. 🌟

jEEZY WAS bluffing and Jeanie Mai GAINS FULL CUSTODY


Find law by state here : http://www.findlaw.com

A cornerstone of our initiatives is the Father’s Rights and Family Reunification program. This program is tailored to assist fathers, particularly those who are dealing with family law matters.

Father’s Rights pertain to the legal protections and responsibilities that fathers have in relation to their children. These rights include, but are not limited to, the right to parenting time with his children, the right to be consulted before adoption, and the right to time off from work to raise his child. It also covers the right to be involved in decisions regarding their child’s welfare, education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

Family Reunification, on the other hand, is a process that aims to bring families back together12345. This could involve various scenarios such as reuniting families that were unjustly separated at borders2, or reuniting children with their parents in cases where the children were placed in foster care5. The process is often complex and involves meeting certain goals and requirements5.

Link to Immigration page

To mitigate the challenges associated with these issues, we proffer a comprehensive array of resources. This encompasses user-friendly legal templates, educational legal workshops, community bulletins, and advocacy and support during meetings with social workers, foster visits, and more. These resources are designed to provide legal guidance, foster community solidarity, and empower these families to effectively navigate their legal predicaments.


The Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocacy program offers crucial support to individuals affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. Advocates within this program are dedicated to assisting victims through these challenging circumstances. As a client you will receive these services and any additional services based on needs and assessment.

  1. Crisis intervention and emotional support12345
  2. Information about legal rights1
  3. Assistance with compensation applications1
  4. Help with navigating the legal and recovery process1
  5. Support during court proceedings1
  6. Assistance communicating with lawyers, family, and employers1

By offering these services, we aim to cultivate a supportive environment where everyone has equitable access to the legal resources they require. We believe in the power of community and the imperative of addressing these legal issues to ensure a fair and just society. We extend a warm welcome to all who wish to join us in this endeavor. Together, we can effectuate a difference in our communities.

Amazon.com: Sarah Elkhaldy: books, biography, latest update

She discusses the POWERS THAT WERE and the powers that we all possess.

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