The first subscribers will receive a free document preparation a will or contract.

The first five members will receive a complimentary annual membership to the association, along with VIP level access to all ongoing workshops, events, and more.

Check your email for a surprise.

Our association of women advocates are needed to combat the breakdown of our families.

More of our sons and daughters are being locked away everyday. We need to advocate and educate our children and adult children.



Juvenile Hall

Child Protective Services

Formerly Incarcerated Persons

Formerly incarcerated individuals face numerous challenges upon reentry into society:

  1. Abrupt Transitions: The sudden shift from prison to community life can be extremely difficult, leading to stress, recidivism, and even elevated mortality rates1.
  2. Housing: Many individuals struggle to find stable housing, which is a crucial factor for successful reintegration1. Public housing authorities can discourage people with criminal records from applying for housing, or put blanket bans on people with certain criminal convictions2.
  3. Employment: Having a criminal record can be a major barrier to employment. A study found that applicants without a record were almost twice as likely to get a job callback compared to those with a record2.
  4. Mental Health: Former inmates often face stigma, discrimination, isolation, and instability, leading to devastating outcomes like failed relationships, homelessness, substance misuse, recidivism, overdose, and suicide3.
  5. Voting Rights: In some states, people with felony convictions are not allowed to vote4.
  6. Education and Public Benefits: They have little access to education and are ineligible for public benefits, public housing, and student loans4.

These challenges highlight the importance of comprehensive reentry programs that provide support and resources to help individuals successfully reintegrate into society after incarceration1.https://www.brookings.edu/articles/formerly-incarcerated-americans/




High Level Conversations

Male and Female

The manosphere has a lot to learn.

Take these lessons from two brilliant minds in their fieldsand do what you will. The sky is the limit.

Photo by T Leish on Pexels.com

In the intricate tapestry of law and consciousness, the threads of legal reasoning and esoteric knowledge intertwine to form a complex pattern of societal evolution. Sarah Elkhaldy and Neil deGrasse Tyson, each in their own right, contribute to this pattern through their profound insights into the nature of reality and the cosmos. Elkhaldy, a mystic and spiritual teacher, emphasizes the importance of connecting the higher with the lower, the outer world with the inner world, to tap into our evolutionary potential. Tyson, an astrophysicist, advocates for a cosmic perspective that sees beyond the divisive constructs of race, focusing instead on the unity of the human race.

The Alchemist “There is such a thing as better quality choices and lower quality choices there are things that we need to become aware of and if we don’t we are leading ourselves down a pathway of devolution not evolution.” h Elkhaldy

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Tyson’s rejection of race as a concept in favor of the human race echoes the legal principle of equality before the law. His stance that emotions are valid but should not solely dictate legislation aligns with the idea that laws must be based on rational discourse and empirical evidence. The legal system, in its pursuit of justice, must remain impartial and objective, yet compassionate and understanding of the human condition.

Tyson’s rejection of race as a concept in favor of the human race echoes the legal principle of equality before the law. His stance that emotions are valid but should not solely dictate legislation aligns with the idea that laws must be based on rational discourse and empirical evidence. The legal system, in its pursuit of justice, must remain impartial and objective, yet compassionate and understanding of the human condition.

For a lot of people black holes and string theory were topics that were filed in the mental box labelled ‘things I will never be able to get my head around”. However, all changed when Neil deGrasse Tyson began appearing on TV screens.

Neil describes his methods for life and his theory on death.

The Dairy of A CEO @ youtube.com
The Alchemist shares jewels to evolve and live by

Solutions for Peace

By integrating the wisdom of Elkhaldy and Tyson, legal commentary can transcend traditional boundaries, offering a more enlightened approach to understanding and applying the law. It can encourage the legal community to consider the broader implications of their decisions, not only on individuals but on society as a whole, and the interconnected web of life that we are all a part of. In this way, the law can become a vehicle for societal evolution, reflecting the highest ideals of truth, love, and unity.

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“They’re feeding some urge to be validated.”Neil Degrasse Tyson

Jean Cramer-was she validated?

Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com
Jean Cramer was a candidate for the city council in Marysville, Michigan. She made headlines in 2019 for her controversial remarks during a candidate forum, where she expressed a desire to keep Marysville a predominantly white community. Her comments were widely condemned, and she withdrew from the race following the backlash1.


Jean Cramer is an American national. She was married to George Cramer since at least 2013, and they resided in Marysville, Michigan2. There is no detailed public information available about her parents or her career history. As for her children, there are no specific details available in the public domain.

2019 Marysville, Michigan

Jean Cramer made her controversial remarks during a public forum for city council candidates in Marysville, Michigan. The forum took place inside Marysville City Hall on a Thursday night1. The climate of the meeting shifted dramatically when Cramer made her statement, which was met with immediate shock and condemnation from other candidates and city officials.

“Keep Marysville a white community as much as possible,” and she further elaborated, “White. Seriously. In other words, no foreign-born, uh-uh. No foreign people.”2j

Photo by Vijay Sadasivuni on Pexels.com

“So basically, what you’ve said is that my father and his family had no business to be in this community,” Hayman told Cramer.

Cramer received a number of votes in the election, indicating that some voters supported her despite the controversy.

The response was immediate and widespread. At the forum, fellow candidates, including Mayoral hopeful Wayne Pyden and council contender Mike Deising, quickly denounced her statements. Marysville Mayor Dan Damman described her comments as “racist and unapologetic,” declaring they had no place in the city and echoing the overwhelming rejection of her views by the residents. In the wake of the severe backlash, Jean Cramer submitted her withdrawal from the city council race.

Despite her withdrawal, her name remained on the ballot due to the timing of her withdrawal being past the official date for removal.

Listening to these two videos have inspired me to become more focused on effective communication and the way I respond and deal with any kind of information. Whether you or I disagree or agree it is crucial to keep in mind that everything deserves loves and respect all concepts and ideas do not have to be shared but if they are it is up to each of us as individuals to create a harmonious society in which everyone can be included and respected. If I have offended anyone with the views or words or opinions on my platform I would like to sincerly apologize.
Moving forward I will use the tips and tools to improve our association goals and services. Stay tuned for updates. Thank you for your support.”
Feedback is needed for effective progress. Please email iabwalegal78@gmail.com or fill out the form.

“I love feelings but don’t let it get in the way of legislation and law that will affect us all!” Neil Tyson


“Being a scientist involves identifying all the ways you might bias yourself and removing them. It’s crucial to do whatever it takes to avoid deceiving yourself into believing something is true when it isn’t, or vice versa.”

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
Photo by Chokniti Khongchum on Pexels.com

“Anthropologists like to group the world into degrees and then divide everyone with their categories”

Neil Tyson

Photo by Genaro Servu00edn on Pexels.com
Photo by ArtHouse Studio on Pexels.com

“We may be living in some of the safest times there ever was in the history of civilization.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Do THIS Every Morning To Find Happiness & Meaning In Your Life! (youtube.com)

Exploring your astrology chart can be a fascinating journey into personal astrology. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

  • Birth Chart Basics: Your astrology chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment you were born.
  • Personalized Chart Creation: You can create a personalized birth chart by providing your birth date, time, and location. This will allow you to see which signs and houses the planets were in at the time of your birth.
  • Understanding Planetary Positions: Each planet’s position in the zodiac can give you insights into different aspects of your personality and life. For example, your Sun sign represents your core identity, while your Moon sign relates to emotions and inner mood.
  • House Systems: There are various house systems in astrology, and they can affect the interpretation of your chart. You might want to explore different systems to see which resonates with you.
  • Aspects Between Planets: Aspects are important in a birth chart as they describe the angles and relationships between planets. They can indicate harmony or tension between different parts of your personality.
  • Chart Patterns: Some charts have distinctive patterns formed by the planets, such as a Grand Trine or T-Square, which can highlight specific strengths or challenges in your life.
  • Transits and Progressions: By tracking the current movement of planets and comparing them to your natal chart, you can get insights into the timing of events and changes in your life.
  • Consulting an Astrologer: While online tools can give you a good start, consulting a professional astrologer can provide a deeper, more nuanced interpretation of your chart.
  • Continuous Learning: Astrology is a complex field, and there’s always more to learn. Reading books, attending workshops, and joining astrology groups can help you deepen your understanding.

Remember, astrology is a personal and subjective experience. It’s important to approach it with an open mind and use it as a tool for self-reflection and growth. Enjoy the journey of discovering the cosmic blueprint of your life!

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