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Our association of women advocates are needed to combat the breakdown of our families.

More of our sons and daughters are being locked away everyday. We need to advocate and educate our children and adult children.



Juvenile Hall

Child Protective Services

Formerly Incarcerated Persons

Formerly incarcerated individuals face numerous challenges upon reentry into society:

  1. Abrupt Transitions: The sudden shift from prison to community life can be extremely difficult, leading to stress, recidivism, and even elevated mortality rates1.
  2. Housing: Many individuals struggle to find stable housing, which is a crucial factor for successful reintegration1. Public housing authorities can discourage people with criminal records from applying for housing, or put blanket bans on people with certain criminal convictions2.
  3. Employment: Having a criminal record can be a major barrier to employment. A study found that applicants without a record were almost twice as likely to get a job callback compared to those with a record2.
  4. Mental Health: Former inmates often face stigma, discrimination, isolation, and instability, leading to devastating outcomes like failed relationships, homelessness, substance misuse, recidivism, overdose, and suicide3.
  5. Voting Rights: In some states, people with felony convictions are not allowed to vote4.
  6. Education and Public Benefits: They have little access to education and are ineligible for public benefits, public housing, and student loans4.

These challenges highlight the importance of comprehensive reentry programs that provide support and resources to help individuals successfully reintegrate into society after incarceration1.https://www.brookings.edu/articles/formerly-incarcerated-americans/




How do I file taxes as a single-member LLC?

How do I file taxes as a single-member LLC?
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on Pexels.com

Filing taxes for a single-member LLC involves several key steps:

  1. Choose the Right Form: If you’re the sole owner, your LLC is considered a “disregarded entity.” Report business income and expenses on:
    • Schedule C: Profit or Loss from Business (Sole Proprietorship)
    • Schedule E: Supplemental Income or Loss
    • Schedule F: Profit or Loss from Farming
  2. Use Your SSN or EIN: For federal income tax purposes, use your Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN) on information returns and reporting related to income tax.
  3. Excise Tax and EIN: If your LLC has employees or excise tax liability, you’ll need an EIN. Apply using Form SS-4.

When evaluating tax structures for small businesses, the optimal choice varies based on factors like business size, the number of owners, and financial objectives. The real benefit of an LLC compared to other types of business entities lies in its tax advantages. LLCs offer business owners considerably more federal income tax flexibility than sole proprietorships, partnerships, and other common business structures.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on Pexels.com

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