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Our association of women advocates are needed to combat the breakdown of our families.

More of our sons and daughters are being locked away everyday. We need to advocate and educate our children and adult children.



Juvenile Hall

Child Protective Services

Formerly Incarcerated Persons

Formerly incarcerated individuals face numerous challenges upon reentry into society:

  1. Abrupt Transitions: The sudden shift from prison to community life can be extremely difficult, leading to stress, recidivism, and even elevated mortality rates1.
  2. Housing: Many individuals struggle to find stable housing, which is a crucial factor for successful reintegration1. Public housing authorities can discourage people with criminal records from applying for housing, or put blanket bans on people with certain criminal convictions2.
  3. Employment: Having a criminal record can be a major barrier to employment. A study found that applicants without a record were almost twice as likely to get a job callback compared to those with a record2.
  4. Mental Health: Former inmates often face stigma, discrimination, isolation, and instability, leading to devastating outcomes like failed relationships, homelessness, substance misuse, recidivism, overdose, and suicide3.
  5. Voting Rights: In some states, people with felony convictions are not allowed to vote4.
  6. Education and Public Benefits: They have little access to education and are ineligible for public benefits, public housing, and student loans4.

These challenges highlight the importance of comprehensive reentry programs that provide support and resources to help individuals successfully reintegrate into society after incarceration1.https://www.brookings.edu/articles/formerly-incarcerated-americans/




Immiration Policy

Reform or Regression

The Intricacies of Immigration: A Path of Reform or Regression


  • Since 2017 reports show positive impact of immigrant workers
  • In summary, although these reports recognize the fiscal effects of immigration, they vary in their focal points. Some concentrate on the local scale, some on particular groups such as refugees and asylees, and others offer a more extensive cross-country examination. Regardless of these variances, each report adds to the comprehension of immigration’s intricate fiscal consequences.
  • The Push for Reform
  • Recent and proposed changes in immigration laws include the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which aims to apply statutory bars to asylum much earlier in the process, allowing for the expedited removal of individuals who pose a national security or public safety risk. Additionally, a bipartisan bill has been unveiled in the Senate proposing tougher asylum and border laws, which could be the most significant overhaul of immigration policy in decades if passed. Changes have also been made to legal migration rules, such as the ban on newly arriving care workers bringing immediate family members, and an increase in the Skilled Worker minimum salary. Moreover, the House has passed two immigration bills as part of President Biden’s broader immigration reform plan, offering a path to legalization for certain groups of immigrants.

The Risk of Regression

  • The potential for regression in immigration policies is a multifaceted issue. It encompasses the tightening of immigration laws, a rise in deportations, and an increase in anti-immigrant sentiment. Such shifts could significantly impact migration flows, labor markets, and the socio-economic fabric of nations. Regression models have been applied to various problems in immigration studies to estimate the economic impact of undocumented laborers. Additionally, gravity models have been utilized to predict global migration flows and assess the potential contributions of migration to population and GDP dynamics. Policies that are perceived as unfavorable can reduce immigration inflows, influencing the demographic and economic landscape of a country.
  • The relationship between immigrants and host countries is a dynamic and complex one, with each group influencing the other in myriad ways. When considering the potential consequences of regression in this relationship, it’s important to recognize the diversity of experiences and outcomes that can occur.

    For immigrants, a regression can mean a setback in their journey towards integration and stability. It can result in reduced access to job opportunities, social services, and community engagement, which are crucial for establishing a secure life in a new country. This can lead to increased economic hardship, social isolation, and a sense of disenfranchisement.

    Host countries, too, face challenges when regression occurs. Immigrants often play a vital role in the economy, filling labor gaps, and contributing to cultural diversity and innovation. A regression that hinders their participation can lead to a decrease in economic productivity and a loss of cultural richness. Additionally, it can strain social services and lead to increased social tension.

    The consequences of regression are not uniform; they vary based on the specific circumstances of each immigrant group and host community. Some areas may experience more pronounced economic impacts, while others may see greater social ramifications. The key is to approach these challenges with a comprehensive understanding and a commitment to policies that support positive outcomes for all involved.

    Addressing the potential consequences of regression requires a multifaceted strategy that includes economic, social, and legal considerations. By fostering an environment that supports the well-being and contributions of immigrants, host countries can enhance their own social and economic landscapes. Conversely, overlooking the importance of this relationship can lead to missed opportunities and preventable hardships.

    Ultimately, the interplay between immigrants and host countries is an ongoing narrative, one that will continue to evolve with time. It is a narrative that calls for thoughtful dialogue, informed policy-making, and a recognition of our shared humanity. By working together, immigrants and host countries can navigate the complexities of this relationship and move towards a future of mutual prosperity and understanding.

The Balancing Act

  • Explore the complexities and challenges in creating immigration policies that balance the needs of the country with the rights and needs of immigrants.
  • Discuss the role of public opinion, politics, and media in shaping immigration policies.

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